Food Sensitivities

Finally…Experience Relief from Your Miserable Food Sensitivities
Food sensitivities affect millions of people every day. It is no fun when you can’t eat your favorite foods or enjoy a nice meal with friends and family or suffer with unwanted symptoms when you eat.
The number of people with food allergies and sensitivities in America has doubled in each of the last several decades.
Unfortunately, food sensitivities are an increasingly common issue for many people. These sensitivities can cause a range of symptoms, from mild discomfort to more severe health issues that can impact your daily life. Understanding your body’s reactions to certain foods is crucial if you suffer from digestive, respiratory, or skin issues, as undiagnosed food sensitivities could be the root cause of these problems.
Some common food sensitivity symptoms:
Behavioral Issues
Some common foods contributing to food sensitivities:
Food Components
For a list of the top food allergens in the U.S., CLICK HERE.
Did you know that food sensitivities can be caused by any kind of food? That’s right, whether it’s vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, meats, beans or grains, any food has the potential to trigger a reaction and create symptoms in the body. These reactions can occur in response to a single food, multiple foods or a component in the food.
It’s not uncommon for people to develop sensitivities to certain food additives. An example would be sulfites which are often present in dried fruits, wine, and frozen seafood. Such reactions can result in various symptoms like headaches, hives, and asthma. Similarly, food coloring is another example of an additive that some individuals may be sensitive to. In fact, studies have linked food coloring to behavioral issues in children, and it can be found in many processed foods.
In some cases, individuals may experience a sensitivity to specific components that are present in food, such as salicylates, amines, latex, oxalates, or glutamates. These components are often present in healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, or nuts, and can be difficult to identify even with traditional allergy avoidance diets. However, if someone is sensitive to a specific component, they will likely react to many foods that contain it. For example, those who are sensitive to salicylates may experience symptoms when consuming foods like tomatoes, coconut, citrus fruits, berries, wine, nuts, seeds, herbs, or even products like toothpaste, soap, or aspirin, as they all contain salicylates. The symptoms can range from digestive issues to asthma, headaches, or skin conditions. It’s important to understand that it’s not necessarily the individual food items causing the issue, but rather a single component within the food. Sensitivities to components can quickly cause multiple foods to become problematic and cause symptoms.
APPROXIMATELY 32 million people in the US have at least one food allergy.
It’s no secret that there are limited options for treating food sensitivities beyond simply avoiding the offending foods. Unfortunately, many people find themselves having to remove a wide range of foods from their diets in order to prevent the associated symptoms. This can quickly lead to a very restrictive diet, which can negatively impact both daily life and overall health.
Identifying food sensitivities can be quite challenging as symptoms may or may not surface immediately after eating. It’s not uncommon for some people to experience symptoms between 12 to 36 hours after eating something, while others may experience symptoms immediately. To determine if you have a food sensitivity, keeping a food diary and tracking your symptoms can be an effective approach. However, avoidance is often the only option for managing your symptoms, which can be challenging if you are reactive to multiple foods, food components or foods that you enjoy. Fortunately, there is another way.
People with Food Sensitivities in the US:
10.8% of Adults
7.6% of Kids
Food sensitivities are a widespread problem that can greatly affect one’s quality of life. While there isn’t a conclusive test for food sensitivities, collaborating with an AAT healthcare specialist can aid in identifying your sensitivities and providing a treatment option. This, in turn, can help alleviate your symptoms quickly and painlessly, leading to an improvement in your overall health and well-being.
If you’re experiencing negative reactions to certain foods, reach out to an AAT practitioner in your area for an assessment. They can help identify your unique sensitivities and determine which foods may be triggering your symptoms. AAT can help you get back to enjoying the foods you love instead of having to avoid them.
Say goodbye to food-related symptoms and savor your favorite dishes!
Food Sensitivities
Seasonal Allergies
Skin Conditions
Symptoms & Conditions
Items AAT Treats
Top Allergens in the U.S.
Allergies, Sensitivities & Intolerances
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Eight foods account for 90 percent of all allergic reactions worldwide: eggs, milk, wheat, soy, shellfish, fish, tree nuts and peanuts.
While Advanced Allergy Therapeutics is highly effective in the relief of many symptoms associated with allergies or sensitivities, some cases do not respond.
Advanced Allergy Therapeutics does not treat cases of anaphylaxis or life threatening symptoms. Strict avoidance is always advised.

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