Offering a rapid and long-term solution for the many symptoms associated with allergies and sensitivities.

Simple Safe Effective

Over a million treatments



No needles, medication

or supplements.

No avoidance.

Rapid, long-term results.

Available to all ages,

including infants.

Welcome to Advanced Allergy Therapeutics

Our mission is to revolutionize holistic treatments for  allergy and sensitivity symptoms, providing relief to 1 billion people worldwide.

At Advanced Allergy Therapeutics (AAT), our mission is to revolutionize holistic treatments for allergy and sensitivity symptoms, providing relief to 1 billion people worldwide.

AAT provides an effective, rapid and long-term option to address allergy and sensitivity symptoms using a revolutionary and non-invasive treatment technology. If you’re tired of sneezing, rashes, itchy eyes, or uncomfortable reactions to common foods and environmental factors, the AAT therapy is for you!

AAT’s treatment approach addresses the root cause of allergy and sensitivity symptoms, enabling your body to respond more appropriately to harmless substances and relieving associated symptoms. This allows you to enjoy the things you love without avoidance or discomfort. We believe that everyone deserves to live their life to the fullest, without being held back by allergy or sensitivity symptoms.

AAT is based on the principle that the body can create inappropriate reactions to harmless substances which can cause stress in the body and lead to symptoms. AAT uses a combination of proprietary digital signals and testing method to identify specific substances causing stress on the body. Once identified, we use our Rapid Systems Reconditioning method to recondition the body, so it no longer responds inappropriately to the substances.

What sets AAT apart is its comprehensive range of treatment protocols, customizable for each patient, along with a digital signal library of over 65,000 substances. This ensures that AAT practitioners deliver the most effective, targeted, and up-to-date treatments available. With nearly 30 years of success in addressing the many symptoms and conditions associated with allergies and sensitivities for tens of thousands of patients, and administering over a million treatments, AAT consistently delivers results.

All AAT practitioners are licensed healthcare providers in private practice across various fields of holistic medicine. Before utilizing our state-of-the-art AAT technology, practitioners undergo rigorous training. They are well-versed in various techniques, enabling them to create personalized treatment plans tailored to each individual’s specific needs and goals.

At Advanced Allergy Therapeutics, we believe that everyone deserves to live a life FREE from allergy and sensitivity symptoms. With AAT’s result-driven treatments, you don’t have to limit yourself or settle for a compromised quality of life. Enjoy your favorite foods, engage in the activities you love, and live fully without the constraints of avoidance or unwanted symptoms. If you’re ready to take control of your allergy and sensitivity symptoms, then contact an AAT practitioner near you and give Advanced Allergy Therapeutics a try today.


Advanced Allergy Therapeutics (AAT) offers a unique and highly effective approach in treating the many symptoms and health conditions associated with allergies and sensitivities. AAT is a precision-based therapy that treats the organ systems involved in reactive behavior. AAT does not treat the immune system. The therapy instead focuses on the relationship between symptoms and organ systems in order to produce rapid, long-term results.

AAT merges 21st century science with 3,000-year-old traditional acupuncture principles in offering an effective alternative in the treatment of symptoms associated with allergies and sensitivities.

Common symptoms and conditions addressed with AAT Include:

Sinusitis/Chronic Congestion

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Seasonal Allergies

Environmental Allergies

Acid Reflux/Heartburn

Respiratory Symptoms


Skin Conditions

Chemical Sensitivities

Food Sensitivities/Allergies

Digestive Issues

And Many More!


“If you had told me just a few months ago that I would soon be eating cheese dip with corn chips I would have thought you were crazy. It had been over 15 years since I had purposefully eaten any dairy and over 20 years for corn. But thanks to AAT, I am now able to eat this and more without intense pain and Irritable Bowel Syndrome symptoms. Two weeks ago, I was treated for potatoes and enjoyed my first baked potato in over 25 years! It has been wonderful to go to restaurants without having to talk to the manager and to the grocery store without having to read all the ingredients.”

Jill Featherstone - Sterling, Virginia

“Prior to receiving treatment with AAT, I would often break out in itchy hives if an animal licked me. If a cat scratched me, I would also get very swollen and red at the site. The very next day after receiving treatment, I tested myself on our cats at home to see if I had improved. I am happy to report I no longer get itchy hives from animals, and the lack of a reaction from cat scratches was an unexpected benefit. Since my treatment several months ago I have had no relapses and am able to enjoy all animals without any worries of symptoms!”

Alyssa Reid - Salem, New Hampshire

“Astounding” doesn’t come close to what AAT has achieved with me. After 28 years of Acid Reflux, 100’s of bottles of Maalox and countless Prilosec OTC pills I now have an Acid Reflux FREE life! AAT’s unique approach to these types of issues just works. I would highly recommend to anyone that you call and try the treatment if you have acid symptoms or reflux issues. You have nothing to lose but your symptoms.”

James Lawson – Fairfax, Virginia

“Pencils and mechanical pencils used to make my fingers itchy. With one treatment, that does not happen anymore. I can work better now.”

T.T. - Nagao Tokushin Chiryo-in Clinic, Fukuoka, Japan

“It’s amazing, that’s what I say – and you’ve got to remember, I was very cynical, I didn’t think anything was going to work.”

Olga Holloway - Denver, Colorado

“I suffered from sinusitis symptoms for over 15 years. I was clinically diagnosed in September 1999. I sought treatment for my pollen allergy in 2000 to no relief. I had one AAT treatment for pollen and my symptoms such as swollen face, rhinitis, headaches and sinus congestion disappeared, and I was relieved of these symptoms completely. I now grow wattle in my back garden without reacting at all.”

Jill Beardmore - Maryborough QLD, Australia

“After being diagnosed with food allergies to wheat, dairy, corn, and a few others at the age of seven, eating for me became and remained very difficult. My allergies would manifest in behavioral symptoms, both anxiety and anger related, and by my twenties I was suffering from a myriad of digestive symptoms, including hemorrhoids, extreme nausea, IBS symptoms, lethargy, and insomnia. Additionally, my food allergies were so severe, especially to corn, I was unable to eat at restaurants or at anyone’s house and had to make my own food from scratch and subsist on a boring and depressing diet of millet and goat cheese. After multiple AAT treatments, all of my symptoms have disappeared. I am now able to go to parties and restaurants and enjoy life just like everyone else, and my even-tempered moods have improved every aspect of every relationship I have. AAT completely gave me my life back.”

Sara, Asheville, North Carolina

“Prior to visiting AAT, I suffered hay fever constantly throughout the day & night. I tried everything for relief but never found a permanent fix. I was skeptical at first, but after 2 visits to AAT I went from having hay fever on average 4 hours a day to not having hay fever at all! The results speak for themselves! I now recommend AAT to everyone I know that has allergy problems.”

Cameron McEwen - Brisbane, QLD, Australia

“I used to have stomach pain and diarrhea when I drank milk. With one treatment, I was able to drink milk for the first time in fifty years and I am drinking milk every day now.”

T.I. - Vixs Hikone Clinic, Hikone, Japan

“I used to get headaches if I drank red wine. After treatment for the red wine, I could drink red wine with no side effects. All I know is that now I feel like a different person.”

Barbara Main - Andover, Massachusetts